
Investor Fact Sheet

Name: humm group Limited
Business Description: hummgroup is a diversified financial services group offering buy now pay later, credit cards, and business financing products designed around the core needs of today's shoppers, retailers, and small and medium enterprises.
Business Established: 1991
Listings: hummgroup (HUM) is listed on:
The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)Opens in new window
Level 4, 525 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Its securities are listed under
ASX code: HUM.
Registered Office: Level 1, 121 Harrington St,
The Rocks, NSW 2000

Telephone: 02 8905 2000
Board of Directors:

Andrew Abercrombie - Chairman Founding Director, Non-Independent, Non-Executive
Teresa (Terry) Fleming - Independent, Non-Executive
Stuart Grimshaw - Independent, Non-Executive
Anthony Thomson - Independent, Non-Executive
Robert Hines - Independent, Non-Executive

Company Secretaries: Lisa-Anne Carey - Company Secretary
Christina Seppelt - Company Secretary
Website: in new window
Auditor: Ernst & Young
Share Registry: Link Market Services Limited

Level 12
680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 1300 554 474 (within Australia)
+61 1300 554 474 (outside Australia)